Vaani Kapoor is all set to headline the upcoming Bollywood film Badtameez Gill, a coming-of-age drama-comedy produced under the banner of Nicky Vicky Bhagnani Films. Aparshakti Khurrana will portray Kapoor's brother in the film, while veteran actor Paresh Rawal will play her father. The movie's plot unfolds across two locations: Bareilly, a city in northern India, and London. Navjot Gulati, known for his writing credits in films like Running Shaadi, Ginny Weds Sunny, and directing credits including Jai Mummy Di and the upcoming Pooja Meri Jaan, will be at the helm of the project.
The production of the film will be a collaborative effort between Nicky Vicky Bhagnani Films, Saga Films Ltd, and Vinay Aggarwal. The coming-of-age story set across contrasting locations like Bareilly and London further piques the audience's interest.
Nickky Bhagnani and Viicky Bhagnani said, “Vaani Kapoor is headlining our ambitious project Badtameez Gill that went on floors this week. Vaani was the first and the only choice and she is perfect for the part in every way. Vaani will showcase a totally different side to her acting in our film that has its heart in the right place.”
“Vaani is a top-notch actress and she hasn’t been seen in out-and-out comedies and family entertainers. We feel she will do a brilliant job in this genre. The role was written keeping in mind someone like her,” the Bhagnanis added. “We needed a gorgeous, confident girl who can be a riot for her family and her friends. Vaani is also this person in real life. So, when we met her, we knew we had found our lead. She will light up the screen with her presence and hopefully, we will entertain a lot of people with our film.” ALSO READ: Akshay Kumar, Taapsee Pannu, Vaani Kapoor, Fardeen Khan starrer Khel Khel Mein to release on September 6 Latest Bollywood News | Hindi Movie News | Hindi Cinema News | Indian Movies | Films - Bollywood Hungama
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